Sabtu, 14 September 2013

Toddler Activities at Home

The age group of toddlers is between 1 -3 years of age. The word toddler has originated from 'toddle'. The meaning of toddle is to walk unsteadily with short steps. Children in this age group are still learning to walk and like to do many other activities. The urge to learn new things makes these children curious and interested in their surroundings. It is necessary to keep them engaged in activities through which they learn a lot, which includes art and craft, child development puzzles and basic coordination games. The art activities for toddlers could be anything which includes drawing and painting, etc. Read more on craft ideas for toddlers.

Fun Toddler Activities at Home

The fun toddler activities along with those necessary for mental growth are mentioned in the article below. For very small toddlers i.e. from the age group below 1 year, simple activities are recommended. Chatting with children of this age could be fun.

Chatting: Children learn a lot through the activity of chatting. If you observe them carefully, they try to get familiar with sounds and words. Chatting with these toddlers help them absorb words. It doesn't matter whether they understand those words or not. As they hear the words repetitively, the language skills develop. Read more on listening skills for children.

Peekaboo: It is a common game played with babies. One has to cover his face with his hands and suddenly pop it for the baby to see. Apparently the game seems to be simple. However, is important from the point of development of object permanence in the infants. The capability to understand that the objects continue to exist even without being seen, touched or heard is known as object permanence.

Sensory Bottles: These bottles are easy to make. One can make 'lava bottles', 'discovery bottles' and 'snow globes' in this activity. The lava bottles are called so because of the lava lamp effect that is created by them. To make these bottles, one has to fill them with water and baby oil in equal proportions. The discovery bottles are filled with rice and small objects are mixed in it. As the bottles are rolled, one can see these objects emerging at the surface. To make snow globes, a plastic bottle should be filled with water and corn syrup in equal ratio. Beads, glitter and paper clips should then be added. As the glitter settles down slowly, it dazzles and creates a nice visual effect.

Outdoor Activities: The indoor toddler activities at home though, are important for children's growth, outdoor games for toddlers too help in the mental development.

Water and Sand: Playing with sand and water is an activity which kids enjoy a lot. Children also learn through this activity. Mixing the sand and water helps in the development of their imaginative skills. The sand chosen for this activity need to be free of lime. This activity doesn't require much monitoring on the part of mothers.

Walking: The activity of walking is important from the point of child development. They can not only learn to walk quickly, but also discover new things as they are taken for a stroll. Letting toddlers walk in their natural surroundings is an enriching experience for them. Taking children to nearby gardens helps them discover different types of flowers, plants, big trees, small insects, birds and animals. Read more on preschool games for toddlers.

Different toddler activities at home which are mentioned in the article above, are necessary for their overall growth. One should find out as many activities as possible to bring about development of toddlers.

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